Friday, July 18, 2014

it'll still be a while

  First off, I'd like to apologize for the hiatus.  Secondly, it's going to continue a bit longer.  It started off as just the whole "I'm pregnant and tired" excuse, but snowballed into "how do I get all of this done every day?!"  I am at the point in my pregnancy where things are getting more difficult and tiring to do, I'm also home schooling and we're purchasing a house.  So next will be the move and unpacking.  I hope to be back in about two months.  In the mean time - my favorite relaxing thing to do seems to be pinning, if you see something specific I've marked (generally to veganize, clean up, or make cheaper), by all means comment on this post or the pin itself (i'm more likely to see it on this post) and I'll put it at the top of recipes to try out!


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